The Scriptural Dim Foothills


In a vision the image of Jesus Christ was teaching to a multitude on a mountain. It is a metaphor for the way persons applied to go to the peaks of nearby Alps to see the sun rise. The sun’s rays then penetrated a holed stone, held aloft for that reason, and produced a magical sign. That comprised seven colours of the prism rolled out in perpetually moving circles and central to this was the proper angled cross. This was the Mother God of antiquity and the symbols, colors and magic is nevertheless portion of all religions.

Dark Mountains

Since of their origin religions are collectively known as dark mountains due to the fact the teaching provided is not of the real God but of imagined ones. The doctrines absorbed by the masses that gather to hear them are of false gods that have brought darkness and death to the globe.

The Black Encased the World

In yet another vision the city of Rome appeared and the Vatican was central to it. Suddenly a significant black ribbon shot out from inside its walls that raced to Sicily and then numerous ribbons went out to enwrap the globe in darkness. From Sicily came the Mafia and its members are forgiven crimes, even murder, by the religion they maintain. At death they are promised eternal life simply by the actions of a priest who, in turn, may well be a criminal.

Priests or Criminals

Several Catholic priests are not being charged with pedophilia and rape of children and ladies. Though they seem holy and devote the facts are some of them are committing crimes and the organization itself is accountable for horrendous crimes against humanity. Who can overlook Ancient weapons for sale of the Inca and other native people of the Americas as the Vatican received their gold for its own use. Who can neglect the witch hunts and the burning of innocent people today, primarily females and children, who were declared blasphemers or some thing else.

Reincarnation Memory

Persons may overlook and forgive but the Spirit doesn’t. With memory of my reincarnation and understanding that heaven and hell are myths that are utilised as weapons the truth was generally there to expose. Heaven is the catch to get people today into their congregations and hell is the whip to preserve them there. Via them they have constructed a enormous jail whose walls are nothing far more than the imagination.

Spiritual Individuals Had been Trapped

They have captured the Kids of the Spirit who have been trapped behind those walls until they are freed. It was meant to be and it is now coming to an end simply because the planet as we know it is on the brink of major disaster. The finish is the result of the dark mountains and the will of God who laid out a strategy and told us of it in the Prophecies of the Old Testament.